Office / Team / Project overview / Publications / Awards

ir. Joost C. Ruland
Tilburg, 1961
TU-Delft, Faculty of Architecture, 1987
Registered in the register of architects under number: 1.881215.012
2014 –
Ruland Architecten
2001 – 2003
Architect member of Quality Team Railway Station Surroundings
Municipality of Heiloo
1997 – 2003
Architect member of “Welstandscommissie” (building inspectorate)
Municipality of Heiloo
1997 –
Lecturer in constructive design
Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Environmental Planning
Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium)
1995 – 2014
Independently established Ruland + Partner Architekten bna
1987 – 1995
Benthem Crouwel Architekten, Amsterdam
Position: designer, projectleader

ir. ing. Jordi Wenselaar
Stadskanaal, 1985
TU-Delft, Faculty of Architecture, 2011
Hanzehogeschool Groningen, HBO Bouwkunde / Architecture, 2009
Registered in the register of architects under number: 1.120701.004
2015 –
Ruland Architecten
2012 – 2014
Ruland + Partner Architekten bna
Freelance designer

ir. Marloes van Zelst
Leiderdorp, 1988
TU-Delft, Faculteit Bouwkunde, 2015
Registered in the register of architects under number: 1.180301.004
2018 –
Ruland Architecten
2015 – 2017
Ruland Architecten
professional traineeship – BEP

Former employees
Ruland Architectenir. Gert J. van Velzen
ir. Merel Cornelissen
ir. Laurens Wessels
ir. Thomas Wellink
lic. arq. Marguerita de Bruijn
ir. Tijn Brands
ir. Kirsten Smialy (freelance)