Entries by Jordi Wenselaar

An investment in the future

Ruland Architecten supports on the job training as an addition to the academic program in the education of young architects. We have welcomed our first BEP employe, Marloes van Zelst. BEP is a two year experience programe, organised by the BNA, the dutch architects association.

Building works interior station Geldermalsen

The next fase of the renovation railwaystation building Geldermalsen has begun. The interior will be renovated for making future use possible. Old colorschemes and historical details will be restored to their original splendour. The architectural design is by Ruland Architects.

Restoration of platform spans

Ruland Architecten is consultant for the restoration of the platform spans of station Maastricht an Roosendaal. For both projects Ruland Architecten have made the restoration plans and reports for building permits and co-ordinated these with monument committees. (image station Roosendaal)  

Study guidelines Den Haag HS

The guidelines on the platforms of station Den Haag Hollands Spoor need to be updated to the latest safety standards of visability, profile and positioning. However, the current sidewalk tiles are placed in patterns, with different colors. Also these patterns have decayed in the last couple of years. Ruland Architecten have been commisioned by ProRail […]

Casestudy advertisement at railwaystations

Ruland Architecten is working on the casestudy Reclamedragers op Stations (Advertisement at Railwaystations) commisioned by NS Stations. The objective is a study of the spatial implications of objects for advertisement at railway stations, resulting in a vision document of design principles. This project is a collaboration with NS Stations, ProRail en Bureau Spoorbouwmeester.

Interior appartement amsterdam

A former industrial building of Uthermolen in Amsterdam will be transformed into appartments by Fact Architects / Hund Falk Architecten.  Ruland architecten has been commissioned to design the interior of one of the new appartements.

Dansplein Roosendaal presentation

The redevelopement of railway station Roosendaal is on the move again! A joint presentation of danceschool Dansplein by NS Stations (owner of the building), Dansplein Roosendaal (possible future user) and Ruland Architects combined 3d images with a danceshow.