Haarlem Station entrance doors in production

The Haarlem railway station building is a national monument and one of the best preserved examples of station architecture from the early 20th century. The later installed steel sliding entrance doors on Stationsplein have reached the end of their lifespan. NS Stations and ProRail want to replace the sliding doors with regular doors that remain open during the station’s opening hours.

A design has been made for this in which the sliding doors are replaced by a reconstruction of the original doors. Through archival research, the original construction drawings of the doors have been found, together with the text specification, a color research and references elsewhere in the building, the doors can be accurately reconstructed.

OV Servicebalie in Maastricht

A clear design for the Public Transport Service Shop in Maastricht

To offer the employees of the Public Transport Service Shop (OV-Servicewinkel) in Maastricht a safe and pleasant working environment, Ruland Architecten has designed a glass partition that is as transparent as possible to fit with the architecture of the space. The OV-Servicewinkel in Leeuwarden will follow soon.

A new elevator for The Hague Hollands Spoor

In the middle of the 130 year old railway building of The Hague HS, work has been done in recent years to make platform 1 accessible by elevator. For this purpose, an elevator has been built straight through the nationally listed station building within the limited space.

Part of this renovation also included renewing the floor. The flamboyant pink with black and white lines pattern has been replaced by a gray terrazzo tile, similar to the new part of the passenger tunnel. This creates a clear, coherent image throughout the route from the station square to the entrance on the Laakhaven side. The central hall will have a calmer appearance, better suited to match the original architecture of Margadant.

The portals to the tunnel have been adapted for the arrival of a row of ticket gates to enable platform 1 to fall within the checked-in zone. The gates are currently being installed at the new location, which means that the end of this major renovation is near.

Haarlem station out of the scaffolding

The window frames of Haarlem station used to be very prominent due to their white color and detonated with the other parts in the facade of this ‘gesamtkunstwerk’ from 1906.

During regular maintenance, the window frames and other wooden parts were painted in a color based on the original stain, so they once again fit in with the architecture of this railway monument.




Exploration of possibilities of the south wing of Roermond station

The Stationshuiskamer in the north wing of Roermond station was recently completed. Following this successful redevelopment, the spatial possibilities are now being investigated for the former 3rd class waiting room in the almost identical south wing of the railway building.



New finish for corridor at Maastricht railway station


The walls of a connecting corridor between the central hall and platforms at Maastricht railway station have been refinished. A contemporary addition in keeping with Van Heukelom’s architecture.



New doors in the south wing of railway station Maastricht

In the bicycle shop situated in the south wing of Maastricht station, existing facade openings have been converted into new entrances with spacious doors. Designed to fit the facade in terms of appearance, the doors are still recognizable as a later addition because of the detailing.

This intervention paves the way for further redevelopment of the ground floor.

Original drinking fountain of railway station Maastricht found!

The original natural stone drinking fountain in the station hall of Maastricht was removed after a major renovation in the 1990s and was considered as being lost. After extensive research by Ruland Architects, the fountain turned out to have been preserved and even to be in very good condition. We are very pleased that everyone would like to see this valuable object returned to its original location.