Maastricht station building in the media

Local media are reporting on the redevelopment of the Maastricht station building: tv newschannel L1mburg and the newspaper Limburger.

Workshop station area Sittard

The municipality of Sittard has organized a workshop on improving the station area of Sittard. At the request of the municipality, Ruland Architecten investigated the position and role of the station building within the ambitions of the municipality. This involved close collaboration with OKRA landscape architects, the designing party for the station environment. Due to changing insights and passenger functions, Sittard station could be converted into an open and well-organized space, with more visual relationships with its surroundings.

Maastricht City and Rail Ambition Note

At the initiative of the Municipality of Maastricht, a number of workshops were conducted to explore possibilities and ambitions for the east-west connection of Maastricht. This connection runs from the green carpet of the A2 zone via the station to the city center. Participants were the municipality of Maastricht, NS Stations, ProRail, Venhoeven CS and Ruland Architecten. The findings of these workshops are summarized in the Maastricht City and Rail ambition memorandum.

Table discussion at ‘Stad en Spoor Toekomstcafé’

A lively information evening and round table discussion took place on 11 April in the Stad en Spoor Toekomstcafé in Maastricht, led by Frans Pollux. i.a. Joost Ruland (involved in the redevelopment of Maastricht station), Fons Meijer (former project manager Spoorzone Tilburg) and Nicole Rijkens (future explorer and project leader co-creation Stad en Spoor) debated the future of Maastricht station.

Railway station is “Spoorbeeldverhaal #6”

Kirsten Hannema, a well known dutch architectural critic, has written the article “spoorbeeldverhaal #6: gecontroleerde en geboden toegang” about the value of architecture in the design of entrances to railway stations. Railway station Zaltbommel is set as an example in the article. Read at the website of “Bureau Spoorbouwmeester” (dutch only).

The architects’ breakfast, theme: leisure

As part of the theme period ‘Leisure’, the editorial staff of Architectenweb hosts a networking breakfast for architects, interior designers, advisors, clients and contractors on Thursday morning, May 12th.

Main focus will be hotel design. What trends can be determined in hotel designs? Which aspects of these projects can an architect add value to? Which innovations are possible? How do you design the perfect experience? What can the large hotel chains learn from small inner-city hotels and vice versa? And how can hotels be designed so that their amenities form a positive addition to the city?

Ruland Architecten is on the invite list.

See the projects Hotel Ibis Amsterdam Centre and Motel One Rotterdam by Ruland Architecten.

Monumentje Roosendaal

Ruland Architecten on Zuid West TV

The regional TV channel Zuid West TV currently shows the series ’n Monumentje that shows off monuments. This episode highlights Roosendaal railway station. Includes an interview with Joost Ruland.

You can view the show on ZuidwestTV.

Ruland Architecten

Ruland + Partner Architekten becomes Ruland Architecten


Because we were already addressed and named as Ruland Architecten.
Because we have moved internally to Koningin Wilhelminaplein 12 B-8.
Because we have a new house style and logo, and a new web site.

And because it expresses what we are: architects.

Will there be more changes?


Our phone numbers, personal e-mail addresses, account numbers and web site address remain unchanged.

And that also goes for our commitment, expertise and craftsmanship!

Joost Ruland and Gert van Velzen

Debat Brabantse Stijlprijs

Debate Brabant Style Award

The KVL Leather plant in Oisterwijk was the scene for the debate organised by the Province of Noord Brabant resulting from the submissions for the Brabant Style Award. Ruland + Partner Architekten bna is one of the participants with the submission for the Roosendaal railway station.



Strijp S Eindhoven

The transformation and renovation convention

Ruland + Partner Architecten was a part of the Transformation and renovation convention, organised by Architectenweb. Amazing location in Eindhoven: Strijp S.