Exploration of possibilities of the south wing of Roermond station

The Stationshuiskamer in the north wing of Roermond station was recently completed. Following this successful redevelopment, the spatial possibilities are now being investigated for the former 3rd class waiting room in the almost identical south wing of the railway building.



New finish for corridor at Maastricht railway station


The walls of a connecting corridor between the central hall and platforms at Maastricht railway station have been refinished. A contemporary addition in keeping with Van Heukelom’s architecture.



New doors in the south wing of railway station Maastricht

In the bicycle shop situated in the south wing of Maastricht station, existing facade openings have been converted into new entrances with spacious doors. Designed to fit the facade in terms of appearance, the doors are still recognizable as a later addition because of the detailing.

This intervention paves the way for further redevelopment of the ground floor.

A royal visit to Hollands Spoor

King Willem Alexander visited The Hague Hollands Spoor and the Royal Waiting Room today. We hope that he has experienced little inconvenience from the major construction work on Platform 1. Perhaps we’ll meet again at the opening of the new stairs and lift?


Publication ‘Stationslocaties Nederland’

Station locations are increasingly becoming a crucial part of the urban environment. Ruland Architecten has been working for some time on strengthening these nodes of mobility, living, working and recreation. Read more about this in the new annual edition of the magazine ‘Station locations Netherlands 2022/2023’.

Read the article here.

SRAL 35 years – In relation to restoration

Ruland Architects congratulates Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) on their 35th anniversary.

SRAL organized a symposium on this occasion: SRAL 35 – In relation to restoration. We were treated to interesting lectures about the full breadth of the restoration profession in which SRAL is active. This was followed by a tour of the studio in the Bonnefanten museum in Maastricht. An educational insight into 35 years of restoration expertise of SRAL.

Ruland Architecten has been working with SRAL for some time now. A special example is the restoration of the wall painting by Henry Schoonbrood in railway station Maastricht.

Interview Joost Ruland by ‘Spoorwegen TV’

Joost Ruland is interviewed by ‘Spoorwegen TV’ about the restoration and renovation of railwaystation Geldermalsen.

Spoorcafé Zwolle

Wednesday February 17 was the live stream from the Spoorcafe about the developments in and around the Zwolle railway zone. In this episode, NS Stations explains the developments of the station building. The broadcast can be seen on the RTV Focus Zwolle youtube channel. Furthermore, the press release about the new location of the starbucks in the station building can be read on RTV Zwolle. The images are by Ruland Architecten.


Renovated station building Gilze-Rijen in movie development station area

Commissioned by NS Stations, Ruland Architecten made the design for the renovation of the Gilze-Rijen station building. The project was recently carried out by contractor Oome Raamsdonk b.v.
The station building plays a central role in the film by the municipality of Gilze en Rijen about the future plans for the development of the station area: via Spoorzone Rijen.

Building above the railroad tracks

Building above the tracks is again topical following a debate evening at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. With the Ibis Hotel Amsterdam Center, Ruland Architects already has the required knowledge and expertise in-house!

Via Volkskrant and Bureau SpoorBouwmeester.